Shen Fuxin, male, be born at Guizhou An Shun. It is Chinese artist academician now, director of association of Guizhou Province artist, guizhou is beautiful assist creation lab director, director of institute of plastic arts of academy of art of Guizhou people culture, " Guizhou art " the magazine carries out subeditor, country division of one class art. Work ever attended countrywide beauty to exhibit and attend for many times by Chinese beauty assist Chinese exhibition. June 2001, work " black town serene way " obtain first China art award of nomination of Jin Cai award. December 2003, work " Pan Jiang road " obtain " the 2nd China western work of countrywide landscape landscape exhibits earth affection " outstanding award. Once was in city of Fujian, Guizhou, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hong Kong, Taipei, Paris, Bin, kuala lumpur and other places holds individual art exhibition several times. Work is published at " art " , " art observes " , " Chinese book pictorial " wait for professional the press. Publish have " the landscape painting chooses Shen Fuxin " postcard and " Shen Fuxin collect of 3 gorge paint from life " , " Lu Ge deep and remote gorge " landscape grows a market waiting for a picture.
