Wang Tongzhao (1939, ) person of Hainan hill fining jade. Be good at education of woodcut, art, was graduated from department of woodcut of central academy of fine arts 1965. Art creative work and art education pursue to navy after, to Hainan university art the institute taught 1985 up to now. Hainan saves artist association vice-chairman, associate professor. Work " sword of Na Jiang benefit " , " Xi Shaxin course " etc attend beauty of horse and foot to exhibit, " sago cycas " , " marine marvellous spectacle " , " sweet season " part selected the 10th, 11, art exhibition of edition of 12 whole nations, " turkey faces south " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited. Publish have " collect of Wang Tongzhao woodcut " , " Wang Tongzhao work is chosen " etc. Obtained 1996 " award of Lu Xun woodcut " .