齐良迟以深厚的西画根底转攻国画,其特点是以没骨点垛作装饰性构图,用笔沉静,力量、速度大体平均,其韵律主要依靠物象不同的色彩、形状的组合而获得体现,而少有轻重疾徐、顿挫转折的节奏变化。花叶缤纷烂漫,而格调文静娟秀,为传统画法中所未见,又能为雅俗所共赏,洵艺苑之奇葩、玉台之清品,尤以小幅更为精到。齐良迟作品 齐良迟是当代著名的花卉画家,但他并不只是专攻花卉,举凡风景、静物、肖像等等,无不喜爱,无所不能。她的花卉艺术能达到如此高超的境地,是与他在艺术上广博的爱好和修养分不开的,还在青年时代,当绘事学步之初,他就注意到对绘画各门类和多种的广泛研飞。一方面从汪慎生、汤定之学花鸟山水,到齐白石家中请教笔墨之道,另一方面又及时投奔徐悲鸿之门,钻研造型基本功,同时练习油画。三十年代居英国时,又进斯莱德美术学校学习雕塑,同时还涉猎色粉笔和木刻等多种绘画样式,表现出他对美术的多方面的旨趣。人们都知道,他把水彩技巧有机地融入了中国画的水墨丹青。
Word child long, was born at Hunan Xiangtan 1921, fasten Qi Baishi the 4th child. Long-term life Shi Sui is in white stone old person beside, edify by its with the influence, from a child studies the China such as art of traditional Chinese painting and ode of poetic word song's outstanding traditional culture assiduously, laid the traditional culture foundation of substantial painterly strength and massiness thereby. In Bai Shi the guidance teaching practice of the old person falls, the artistic accomplishment of Mr Qi Liangchi and work force have huge to rise. Emancipatory initial stage, promote art of neat clique brushwork with inheritance to be studied better, mr Qi Liangchi resigns government service, old person of white stone of absorption serve is in the home, with great concentration considers to send artistic clever attentively together systematically. All previous classics is studied a few years seriously and carry out assiduously, mr Qi Liangchi takes neat clique skill, formed distinctive artistic color, "Out a person of academic or artistic distinction gets married oneself " , become neat clique art to send the crackajack delegate of philtrum.
Study house deputy curator for Beijing literary history now, curator of reputation of Xiangtan Qi Baishi memorial hall, adviser of lab of appraisal of artwork of Chinese artistic academy, committee member. Be good at picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style. Publish have " how to draw shrimp " , " how to draw crab " .
Mr Qi Liangchi comes for years career of enthusiastic society commonweal, it is contribution of the relieve the people in disaster that help deficient up for many times early or late, won the high recognition of social all circles. After he holds the position of the leader of Rearch Institute of Culture and History, ignore year of issue tall already, the member that lead an embassy risks very the intense heat of summer, freezing thorough basic level to send culture go to the countryside. A lot of mechanism, factory, countryside, barback kept an excellent work of painting and calligraphy of Mr Qi Liangchi and tireless figure, behaved him adequately of altruistic dedication have a sharp sense of integrity and love the exalted feelings with patriotic party.
Neat fine Chi Yishen is thick picture bedrock turns on the west attack traditional Chinese painting, its characteristic is make adornment sex composition of a picture in order to do not have bone dot battlements, with the pen calm, general interest of force, rate is average, its are metrical and main combine and obtain body what rely on content to resemble different colour, figure to show, and the Xu of rare weight disease, rhythm that humiliates a turn changes. Beautiful leaf profusion is brilliant, and style is gentle and quiet beautiful, the place in be traditional brushwork did not see, can admire in all for elegant common place again, truly the Qing Dynasty of stage of the strange flower of art and literary circles, jade is tasted, blame with small more precise and penetrating. Neat good people of Qi Liangchi work is contemporary and famous flowers artist behindhand, but he just does not specialize in flowers, scenery ranginging from... to... , still life, effigies is waited a moment, all without exception loves, omnipotent. Her flowers art can obtain so excellent condition, with him the interest with large artistically and cultural cent do not leave, still be in young times, when paint job toddle at the beginning of, he notices fly to drawing each class and diversiform grind extensively. Learn landscape of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style from what unripe, soup decides Wang Shen on one hand, consult the path of writing in Home Qi Baishi, on the other hand the door of grand of Bei of Xu of the go to somewhere for shelter when P.S. , study modelling essential technique, practice canvas at the same time. When 30 time reside England, learn sculpture into school of Si Laide art again, return dabble lubricious chalk and woodcarving to wait for a variety of painterly styles at the same time, show the objective of his many sided to art. People knows, he organic ground blended in a watercolour skill the Shui Modan that China draws is green.
A lot of his canvas still life, wait like peony, Chinese rose, a ball made of strips of silk, with painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of a lot of colour Chinese ink that create later, also having very close relationship. Watercolour work of Qi Liangchi is tonal and lively, the style meaningfuls, blended in western brushwork tradition to make beneficial attempt to the artistic conception Chinese water Chinese ink, in the picture altar enjoys high reputation.