
Wang Hui is unripe, of word dream. Alias iron husband, old intelligent, broadleaf plant garden. Fasten office dream fast.
Was born in Jiangxi auspicious to bring city in December 1963. From a child learns painting and calligraphy, 1980 be recruited enrollment, enlist in army fleet of Yu Haijun the East China Sea. 1985 Xia Tui battle. Be graduated from Jiangxi Normal University, ever read as artistic as Zhengzhou university institute. Landscape, calligraphy is attacked first. 1988 only then specialize in traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail and creation of picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, traditional to Chinese past dynasties, especially everybody and work of Great Master of latter-day sea manner and air had done classical brushwork of Song Yuan and painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting of bright Qing Dynasty to be studied meticulously deep, strength is deep and solid. Work ever attended the whole nation, complete province for many times the United States is exhibited and bear the palm; A lot of work are published at of all kinds and professional periodical to merge into make up ancient codes and records of a variety of large lexicographic work; Be collected extensively by domestic and international artistic orgnaization, art gallery and collector.
Member of seminar of the traditional Chinese painting in saving artist association director, Nanchang to draw a clique to promote can deputy secretary-general, Jiangxi to save for Chinese artist academician, Jiangxi now, country painter of full-time of imperial art academy of division of 2 class art, Nanchang.
