Lu Xiaobo, be born at 1968.4, chinese artist academician, associate professor, teach at academy of fine arts of institute of normal school of the Yangtse River. Be graduated from academy of fine arts of 3 gorge institute, Sichuan early or late, came 2006 Tsinghua university academy of fine arts visited a scholar 2007.
The China of creation draws work for many times selected respectively by beauty of couplet of article of culture ministry, China, China assist, Chongqing city is beautiful assist the exhibition of large painting work that waits for a branch to sponsor. Article of research of theory of the traditional Chinese painting in publishing 10, compile composing of 130 thousand word is published by Liaoning art publishing house. Work is in early or late periodical of the throughout the country's important art major learning " art " , " art observes " , " art grand sight " , " art group " etc, publish add up to more than 30. Hill of Fu of expressional change southeast is agrestic and rural of amorous feelings " countryside of water Mohist School " series work adds up to have more than 50, be in artistic center of village of Beijing the Song Dynasty, 798 international early or late, museum of hill of house of Pan Jinmei art, Fu holds house of Qi Lu art of art gallery of Beijing imperial art academy, Shandong, Liaoning to work couplet is exhibited and obtain favorable opinion.
In recent years main society affects:
Special subject of Fu hill TV station interviewed reportorial change southeast 2008 of rural and agrestic theme " countryside of water Mohist School " ;
2008, obtained government of Fu hill district to issue respectively 2010 the 15th, 16 " Wu Jiangwen art award " " first prize " ;
Obtained 2009 " the 5th artistic award of Chongqing city " (art kind) ;
Work of the traditional Chinese painting in was being created 2009 " aureate wind " obtain art exhibition of the 3rd China of Chongqing city to see " second-class award " ;
Work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2009 creation " happy Miao Xiang " in " work of the 4th art of Chongqing city is exhibited " in judge for " outstanding work " ;
Attended 2009 " country Chongqing----A person of academic or artistic distinction of traditional Chinese painting invites in exhibit " , imperial art academy of Wen Anxin bureau, Chongqing sponsors Chongqing;
Work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2010 " happy Miao Xiang " be collected by Chinese artist association.
Attended 2011 " inheritance exploration---2010 art work invites Chongqing imperial art academy exhibit " ;
Work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2011 " mountain fastness cool breeze " in " work of 90 years of art shows Chongqing city congratulatory found a party " in judge for " outstanding work " .