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- 浏览次数: 3957
- 编辑时间:2022-04-06
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- 司徒乃钟个人简介 司徒乃钟艺术作品
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Unripe in December 1950. Canadian book Chinese, the academy of fine arts graduates. Be graduated from Canadian E and Lycas: ? River of bright Xian г dash forward peptide of laborious of altar of Jiao Jie of ? of ? of discharge of ? idle V frightens Jian of part of the day rare nucleus builds Yan of ⒐ wishing ? with respect to crafty Gui ǜ all grand ⒗ windows ? of seal of ? of titanium of ⒀ of body of Mou of fall from the sky of Juan pigheaded ⒄ brags imprint fish hawk of ⑷ of ⒚ make a present of handsome. Basically accomplishing Mr Situ Naizhong is the Chinese painter of an extremely negative great reputation, he all over the world each district holds individual art exhibition, extremely suffer admiration, to carry on motherland culture do one's best; Ever held the post of adviser of Hong Kong artistic house; Painting and calligraphy of Guangzhou sea day is met reputation is advisory; Painting and calligraphy of Chinese pool river is met forever reputation chairman; Canadian artist alliance will be main member.
Situ Naizhong, be born to visit smooth town at Chinese Guangdong, macao settles along with family when a year old. Grandfather is well-known poet Si Tumei, father is Si Tuji of Great Master of traditional Chinese painting. The uncle is famous artist Si Tuqiao, and the cousin is famous sculptor Situ Zhaoguang.
From a child reads the middle and primary school austral Macao mountain, childhood follows to study picture of Chinese and Western from father in Macao, ever since Hong Kong of change one's dwelling house, and at Hong Kong Guangzhou two ground do obeisance to division at month of Zhao Shaoang, Guan Shan, Li Xiong ability, Yang Shan the contemporary Great Master such as deep, Chen Jinghong, Chen Xueshu. Class hour obtains painting and calligraphy of Hong Kong youth to surpass West publicly to draw champion for many times in. Ji Canada is lost after, major canvas, with complete armour optimal grade finish school reachs EmilyCarr academy of fine arts at CapilanoCollege. College of emigrant 1972 Canada majors canvas.
Museum of Guangzhou of the Wu Meiguo after Ceng Xian, Canada, Switzerland, England, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, China, Beijing, Nanjing hold number 10 times exhibit, work is state-maintaineded by Canadian Ottawwa screen of memorial hall of father of state-maintaineding country of museum of humanitarian museum, culture of Hong Kong artistic house, Hong Kong, Taipei, Taiwan east province parliament building, China opens smooth art gallery and Chinese Nanjing museum to wait buy Tibet.
Taiwan screen east prefectural culture foundation and screen east culture center at published Situ Naizhong to draw volume 1996 (screen east) of a series of books of prefectural culture asset. Selected 1998 Hong Kong is artistic now double year exhibit. Beijing imperial art academy and Beijing are beautiful 1999 assist sponsor art gallery of China of Wu Beijing of Situ Naizhong art exhibition jointly. The picture austral Guangzhou mountain sent memorial hall to sponsor Situ Naizhong art exhibition 1999. 2004, work " charming of green figured woven silk material is red " exhibition of art of the 10th whole nation of selected China. Began 2005, memorial hall of father of state-maintaineding country of museum of Wu Na Beijing, Taipei and river door art gallery hold Situ Naizhong art to create itinerate to exhibit. Publishing house of Tianjin people art at published 2007 large " Situ Naizhong draws volume " () of series of a series of books of brush and ink of Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction.
Situ Naizhong currently holds the post ofpicture of city of Canadian dark green to be able to achieve conference chairman, dean of imperial art academy of city of Hong Kong dark green, chinese Zhejiang saves assistant dean of imperial art academy of museum west lake, painting and calligraphy of day of Chinese Guangzhou sea is met reputation chairman, painting and calligraphy of Chinese pool river is met forever reputation is advisory, canadian artist association is basic member, american Yin Dian that Reese reputation of university Asia academy is advisory, the member that world peace painting and calligraphy exhibits an organizing committee holds artistic adviser concurrently, reputation of artistic advisory body of Hong Kong of promotion of Hong Kong artistic house is advisory (reputation of association of home of painting and calligraphy of international of 1999-2001) Hong Kong is advisory, vice-chairman of society of art of culture of pointed division of Hong Kong oil, international lion always is met lion of peninsula of 303 areas Hong Kong meets Chinese HongKong and Macow chairman (2005-2006) , international lion always is met Chinese HongKong and Macow 303 areas chairman of the 2nd minute of region (2006-2007) . The picture austral Guangzhou university mountain appoints lab director / professor, the Master lays a teacher, association of home of 5 city painting and calligraphy achieves international conference chairman. Art of painting and calligraphy of society of Guangdong province culture studies professional committee is standing vice-chairman.
